Pricing, Licensing and Business models: what AEC firms want – Panel discussion

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Intro: Martyn Day // AEC Magazine.
Host: Richard Harpham

– Jens Majdal Kaarsholm // BIG
– Andy Watts // Grimshaw
– Iain Godwin // Godwin Consulting
– Alain Waha, CTO, Buro Happold

In this world nothing is said to be certain, except death and taxes. One might suggest that ‘changing software business models and increasing prices’ should be added to that list. With rapid metastases in licensing and pricing models, customers seem to be at the receiving end of this. Design IT Directors have to cope with rapidly evolving their tech stacks against a backdrop of subscription fees and license model changes. It’s not just one firm, but all firms that are experimenting with extracting the most from their user bases.

What do Design IT Directors think of current business models? What licensing models work and don’t work? Pricing has gone from pay once, perpetual, to some software firms wanting a % of the project fee. We have a panel of customers to give us their frank opinions.


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